Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thing #5 Facebook and Twitter

I'll chance being ridiculed for my post here. Like many folks I had a Facebook account and "reconnected" with lost friends for a good 6 months or so. Then I began to realize a disturbing trend with myself. More and more of my time was spent on these web sites and the balance between family and friends shifted. My 4 year old would ask me when I would be done on the computer so we could play. Instead of completing so work for school, I was choosing to spend that few minutes I had between the kids bedtime and mine on facebook. Sooo... I closed the account. And let me tell you it was a hard thing to do. I desperately want to sign back up, but the time I was spending on the site was not improving my life any.

Twitter I might give a try. I'm not really interested in what people do minute to minute, but I don't want to give it bad wrap when i haven't experienced it yet.

I did appreciate the advice and uses I read about from Vickie Davis. She must have good time management skills.


  1. time is an issue with all of us...don't be so hard on yourself. You gave it a try, you can walk the walk, talk the talk, and understand all too well how it can be an all-consuming thing. It comes down to priorities and for you right now with your family and their needs and wants, it is not at the top of your list.
    That's will come across another 2.0 tool at some point that you feel you can't live without and it even makes family life easier to handle for you to use.

    Choice! Ain't it grand!

    The most important tried it!

  2. I still don't "get" Twitter. As for Facebook, once the novelty wore off I found it easy to confine myself to a 1x a day check in. Granted I don't have small chidren of my own any longer ! In fact, I connect with one of mine on Facebook
